Dito Yuwono’s Projects Yang-Kelak-Akan-Retak_1-1 Yang Kelak akan Retak (Which Will Eventually Crack) Sand Run through Your Hand, Flow with the Water Sand Run through Your Hand, Flow with the Water WID_5564-1 A Kingdom, a Giant Mushroom Shaped Volcano a The First Political Space Called Home #2 the-map-drawn-1 The Map Drawn from Memory image Collective (im)Possibilities: The Politics of Too Many Dinner Parties political-space-1 The First Political Space Called Home WakareKaraoke-s WakareKaraoke the-geography-3 The Geography of Here and There recollecting-memories-monas-1 Recollecting Memories: Tukang Foto Keliling (National Monument) memories-of-unidentified-experience-4 Memories of Unidentified Experience tukang-foto-keliling-1-s Recollecting Memories: Tukang Foto Keliling (Itinerant Photographer) 02_Kebun The Secret Garden of Ledok Timoho