Dito Yuwono’s practice traverses between artistic and curatorial practice. He graduated from Social Science and Politics, and the hands-on collective practice of the city shaped his interdisciplinary practices that are contextual and relevant to the socio-political context of society. In his artistic practice, Dito is interested in how a space is interwoven with politics and history, and his research-based artistic practice often addresses socio-political-historical issues through the production of video, photography, and audio-visual installation.
In the past ten years, Dito did numerous residencies as part of his artistic practice at institutions such as The Northern Territory Center for Contemporary Art – Australia; ruangrupa – Jakarta; Jatiwangi Art Factory – Indonesia; GOLEB & Het Wilde Weten – The Netherlands; TIFA Working Studios – India, Collectif BONUS – France, and Hotel Maria Kapel – The Netherlands. His work has been exhibited at the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art (USA), JimeiXArles International Photo Festival 2017 (China), ISCP New York (USA), OUR Museum National Taiwan University of Arts (Taiwan), Jakarta International Photo Festival ’22, Arkipel Catch-22 – 9th Jakarta International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival, Festival Film Dokumenter 2023 (Indonesia), among others.
In his curatorial practice, he is part of LIR, an art space turned into a curator collective based in Yogyakarta-Indonesia. Dito is an alumni of RAW Academie: CURA, and Independent Curators International/ICI Intensives (2024). In 2024, he was appointed as one of the new directors of CEMETI – Institute for Arts and Society in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He comes to the position from Ruang MES56, where he has served as co-director from 2020-2024.
Read full CV here